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You Got A Hole In One, Now What?

Whether you hit a hole in one out on the course by yourself, in front of a few friends, or at one of our Million Dollar Shootouts, you have something to be proud of. You have achieved the best possible score on a single hole of golf. Not even the best of the best like Arnold Palmer or Tiger Woods will ever be capable of beating your score on that hole, because it is not possible to do any better than a �one.�

But if writing that number one in your scorecard, which may be framed in your bedroom or office, does not quite feel like enough to recognize your incredible achievement, go to the PGA�s website and register your hole in one. The PGA will call your club�s pro and verify your information and score, and then your name can be immortalized in lights on their list of other golfers who have also reached the pinnacle of golfing performance. Your hole in one will be listed in the �PGA Hole In One Archives� at the PGA Historical Center in Port Lucie, Florida. The PGA will also send you a certificate to commemorate your extraordinary feat of skill, along with options for other benefits exclusive to members of the illustrious Hole in One Club. There are an estimated 27 million golfers in America, but only a lucky few get their name on that list. So if you have attained this extraordinary accomplishment, don�t allow it to fall by the wayside of your life or become a story similar to the guy who caught �the biggest fish ever.�

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