April 27, 2010

Last Post Here - Check Our Our New Blog Section!

This will serve as the final blog post in this particular blog section of our website. We have simply moved the new Hole In One Insurance Blog articles to a different section of our site. Hopefully you will find the content there to be just as exciting when it comes to discussing everything golf and hole in one insurance related!

April 16, 2010

Hole In One Insurance for Lady Golfers!

Joy Croft started playing golf in 1969 and since then has accomplished not just one hole in one, but three! Her latest hole in one occurred on the 15th hole of Blenheim Golf Club in New Zealand. She hit her 5 wood 142 yards to the green and was unable to see the ball roll into the hole but it was later confirmed by one of her playing partners. Croft, a 16 handicap, hit her first ace in 1979 at Wairau Valley Golf Club and her second in 1992 at Marlborough Golf Club. Croft won a small prize in the tournament (the tournament director must have purchased hole in one insurance) that went towards celebrating with friends in the club house after the event. Congrats to Joy and her outstanding aces.

US Hole In One doesn’t forget about those women golfers in the golf tournament. US Hole In One offers ladies yardages with all of their hole in one polices, so no woman is left out of the prizes! For any lady playing in a tournament where US Hole In One is offering a grand prize, they can shoot up to 15 yards less than the men. US Hole In One also offers a special minimum distance for all ladies events for the grand prize and all bonus prizes. If you are planning a golf tournament for the spring or summer then give us a call and speak with one of our representatives about the great promotions we are offering.

April 09, 2010

Training Aids Help You Hit a Hole In One!

If you ever get the chance to actually go to a PGA Tour event you will see the players working diligently on their games on the driving range. You might see some funny looking training aids too but don’t be intimidated. These same training aids can help you too. Here are two of our favorites at US Hole In One.

The first effective training that we at US Hole In One recommend is called the Perfect Grip and Mark O’Meara endorses it. As the name suggests, it teaches you how to grip the club correctly. You attach it to the grips of your clubs and make your regular swings. Your hands are your only connection to a golf club so you have to make sure that your grip is good. That makes it a lot easier for you to hit a good shot or even get a hole in one.

The next training aid is as simple as it gets: a string and two pencils. You’re probably wondering what this is helpful for. The answer: Putting. You start by sticking one pencil in the green directly behind the hole and the second one about 10 feet from the hole. The pencils should match the line that you want to putt the ball on. So if the putt is breaking from the right the first pencil at the back of the hole should be slightly to the right. Now, tie a string to the top ends of the pencils and put a ball directly under the line. Now you’re good to go. Putt you heart away. This is a phenomenal drill for improving your putting. It’s so good that just writing about it makes us at US Hole In One want to do it.

Trust US Hole In One to keep giving you more game-improvement tips. However our forte is hole in one insurance. So if our game improvement tips are this good, wait till you get a piece of our world class hole in one insurance. Golf outings are so much more fun when there is a grand prize for hole-in-one winners. Tell the tournament director at your club that US Hole In One is definitely the way to go. For information of the golf outing and insurance services that we provide, feel free to call us at 888 882 5440 or check out our website which is www.holeinoneinsurance.com. Enjoy!

April 02, 2010

Improve Your Par-3 Play to Score a Hole In One

US Hole In One is a premier hole-in-one insurance provider and is improving every year. The more clients we attract, the better and more inviting our hole in one insurance has to become. It’s a growing process that we enjoy. US Hole In One’s clients are primarily golfers so in this blog segment we would like to share some tips that will sharpen your par 3 game.

Here are some score-damaging scenarios to think about:
1. You’re hitting to an island green with water around
2. The pin is located behind a bunker
3. There is a sucker pin in the left or right corner of the green

So we at US Hole In One are wondering what your strategies for these scenarios are? Well water is a golfer’s nightmare. Some would find this rather funny because we need water to survive. So think of it as being there for decoration. Figure out what the wind is doing and adjust accordingly. For example if the wind is blowing from left to right, expect to see your ball move in that direction. Be brave, grip the club SOFTLY and try to make your best swing. Acceptance in golf, coupled with a positive attitude will take you a long way. Who knows; you might get a hole-in-one!

Next, if a pin is located behind a bunker NEVER miss it short unless you have a tour short game, but you will still be at the mercy of your lie. Hopefully the ball won’t plug! You can avoid all this chance by simply selecting enough club to safely get over the bunker, even if you mishit the ball slightly. This is a scenario where a 20ft putt is better than a plugged lie in the bunker.

Lastly, sucker pins have bogey or worse written all over them. HIT TO THE FAT PART OF THE GREEN. Once again, a 20 ft putt is better than a flop shot!

We hope these US HOLE In One certified tips help your game and we would be delighted if you took a look at our hole in one insurance. Nothing completes a golf outing more than hole in one prizes. These prizes give golfers an incentive to play in your event so don’t miss out.

March 26, 2010

US Hole In One’s Top Reason’s To Play Golf

Golf is a great game to play. It is not played as much as other mainstream sports but it is still worth it. To some it might not be a sport, but true golfers know that it is way more than that. Here’s why we at US Hole In One think golf is a good game to play:

1. Whether you’re a weekend hacker or seasoned pro, you can enjoy the game. Also, you can play it for your whole life. You won’t see seventy year old people playing soccer on a regular basis, unless they’ve found some fountain of youth.

2. What game do you know of whose rules stipulate that if commit a foul you should call it on yourself? If you take this trait with you off the course, you will be a better person. Integrity is a quality that true golfers have. Interestingly this character trait is not present in abundance these days.

3. Golf is one sport that allows you to appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature. Playing a spectacular course like Pebble beach is an unforgettable experience. We at US Hole In One guarantee that there are millions of golf courses all over the world that will take your breath away.

4. Getting a hole in one that is insured by US Hole In One is a great feeling. It means that you could win a grand prize that ranges from a cash prize all the way to a brand new car, depending on what the tournament director wants to be the grand prize.

Golf truly is a great game and anyone that gets to play it is privileged. The downside is that it is an expensive game as it costs millions of dollars to maintain golf courses.

March 19, 2010

What’s in Store This Year On The PGA Tour

We’re almost all the way through March and the PGA Tour is in full swing. US Hole In One is happy that there have been some holes in one by the pros already. The most notable hole in one so far was by Robert Allenby. Camillo Villegas put on a show at the Honda Classic and Dustin Johnson played well during the West Swing. Phil Mickelson didn’t quite get off to the start that he wanted. His season has started slowly and his driver might be to blame. Announcers at the CA Championship at Doral’s Blue Monster kept mentioning how wild Phil was off the tee.

More importantly, the Masters is coming up and there are a lot of rumors flying around that Tiger could be making his return there. This poses numerous hypothetical questions like, “what will golf be like when he returns.” Will people heckle him? Probably! Will he be as good? This is Tiger Woods who we are talking about. He’s changed his swing a couple of times and has managed to be successful. Changing your swing can either work for better or worse. Hopefully, he can put this debacle behind him.

Living in the spotlight looks fun but the press can destroy you. TMZ did a number on him, and routinely scrutinizes troubled celebrities. Anyways, back to the golf aspect of things. We at US Hole In One are excited to watch the majors and see who comes out on top. Who shall earn a place in history? Who will don the coveted green jacket and who will put their hands on the Claret Jug? Only time will tell. It would be nice if Ernie Els could keep his newfound momentum and use it to catapult himself toward another major title. It should be yet again another unforgettable year of golf, both on and off the golf course.

March 12, 2010

Who Will Support Tiger?

It’s far too early to get a feel for the public opinion on Tiger’s apology video however the praises from his sponsors and fellow players are extremely supportive. Tiger’s two main sponsors Nike and EA Sports decided to stick by Woods’ side after the cheating scandal came into the view of the public while other such as Accenture and Gillette dropped Tiger because of concern that he would not portray the companies in the correct light. Now a couple months after the scandal, Tiger has been in and out of therapy and addressed the public for the first time since November.

After the apology Nike and EA sports showed their full and continued support of Woods. Nike Company was quoted this statement after the speech "Tiger has apologized and made his position clear. Nike fully supports him and his family. We look forward to him returning to golf." EA Sports president Peter Moore also released a similar statement. There has been no word from Accenture however many think that it was controversial of Woods to pick this weeks to make his public apology as it is Accenture’s Match Play Championship where many of Tiger’s fellow professionals are competing.

Many interviews and reports show that the professionals out there are supportive of Woods. Both Luke Donald and Stewart Clink both described the apology as “heartfelt” and genuinely believe that Tiger just made a mistake and that he will be back. Most of the players agree that when Tiger makes his move back into play he will be well received and accepted. Woods’ comeback is by far more concerning to the golfers than issues in his personal life. There is no set date or tournament that Tiger will be making an appearance in yet however his return is highly anticipated. We at US Hole In One hope that he makes his return by the AT&T National PGA event on July 1, 2010 which is hosted right down the road at Aronimink Golf Course.

February 26, 2010

Is A Hole In One Shootout In Your Future?

Why would you want to offer a million dollar shootout? The economy is struggling, some of today’s best golf courses are feeling the pinch as membership dues do not come in, and golfers are hitting the greens less frequently. This may be the right time to host a million dollar shootout. Perhaps your employees are working hard and you want to reward them with a day on the golf course. It could be that you need to raise money for a charity and a million dollar golf shootout sounds like the right way to go.

These are just some of the reasons why you may want to host this very special event. The fact is, the only thing that feels better than actually hitting that hole in one is being able to win $1,000,000 while doing so. This is possible. Your organization can host a million dollar shootout and hand over those funds to someone who is able to be accurate enough to win.

In order to host this event, you will want to contact US Hole in One about their insurance products designed just for this event. That way, if someone does hit the shot, your organization does not have to foot the bill for doing so. Once you have insurance, host a qualifying contest, such as the person who hits closest to the pin or even a simple raffle. The person who wins the qualifying round is given the opportunity to try the million-dollar shootout challenge.

For all of these reasons, all $1 million of them, this type of shootout is just the right fit for virtually any event you may be hosting.

February 19, 2010

Hole In One at 90 Years Old!

Practice makes perfect in any sport, especially golf! Golf, unlike other contact sports, is one that you can participate in well into your old age. Many seniors take up golfing as a hobby after they retire and it a great way to stay active! The senior golfers may not have the technical parts of their swing down as well as the younger players but that doesn’t mean that they don’t make par! One 90 year old golfer, Angelo Fichera, may not have the swing he used to have when he was young but that doesn’t mean he can’t hit the ball far and straight! This past week Fichera hit his sixth career hole in one at Vista Plantation Golf Club in Vero Beach Florida.

Fichera said he had a lot of luck on his side but regardless he hit his 7 wood straight to the green on the number 13 111 yard par 3. He says he didn’t see the ball fall into the hole however being familiar with the downward sloping green he knew that the ball had to either go in the hole or roll off the back of the green. He admits that some of the younger golfers would have used a 9 or an 8 iron on that hole and reached the green but as long as he can hit the ball with accuracy he will score just fine!

Fichera has had a history on hole in ones, scoring two in just the last 3 years; his sixth at the age of 90 and his fifth just three years earlier at 87. US Hole In One congratulates Angelo on his sixth ace accomplishment and reminds you to remember to insure a hole in one policy for your next golf tournament!

February 12, 2010

Why Golf is a Great Game and Why You Have To Get Hole In One Insurance

Golf is known as a gentleman’s game but don’t be fooled by what you always see on television. Big crowds, loud roars and statistics only complement the true essence of the game.

Some people think that golfing is all about getting a hole in one or about old guys drinking beers and driving golf carts. US Hole In One is here to inform you that none of that nonsense is true. Golf in its purest form is about challenging yourself to become a better player and person. Golfers are meant to show etiquette towards others on and off the golf course. For example if you are holding up the group behind you, YOU MUST let them go through provided that the group in front isn’t holding you up either.

One of the key parts of golf that we at US Hole In One like so much is the self-policing attitude that a true golfer is meant to have. This means that if you do something wrong you are supposed to call it on yourself and not wait for others to call it on you. Easier said than done, but we all should try to do that in real life too. Doing so enhances the content of your character and makes you a better person to be around.

Now into the hole-in-one insurance! US Hole In One hole in one insurance to be exact. Its affordable, flexible and will never let you down. Most of all it’s not too good to be true. So, whatever you feel like giving away be it a brand new BMW or a golf club or a plaque, just know that US Hole In One’s hole in one insurance covers it. To find out more call us at 888 882 5440 or take a look at our website which is www.holeinoneinsurance.com.