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Can I Receive Proofs for My Hole In One Contest Signs Before Printing?

At this time, US Hole In One does not provide proofs for any hole in one contest signage. However, as our hole in one signs utilize a standard template, you can get an excellent idea as to how they will look simply by checking out the samples on our main page here.

All grand prize signs follow the same template with the lower left box containing your sponsor's name and/or logo and the upper right box containing a picture of your grand prize. We typically try to place a picture of your prize in that box if one is available to us. For example, we have most makes and models of automobiles on file and will always print those photos if we have them. Unique prizes like boats, tractors, vacations, and so on may not have exact photos, however in each case we try to at least find a picture that follows the theme of your hole in one prize. So, for a Hawaiian vacation we have a standard photo of a Hawaiian beach scene. All bonus prize signs follow a similiar pattern. The bonus hole in one prize will be featured in the upper right portion of the sign. If you choose to customize your bonus prize signs, your sponsor's name and/or logo will appear in the lower left box, much like the grand prize signs.

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